The Cost of Solitary Confinement – From NY Times

By BitcoDavid * A moment to mourn the victims of today’s school shooting in Connecticut. * The New York Legislature greatly improved the treatment of mentally ill inmates in 2008, when it required the prison system to place seriously mentally ill inmates who violate rules into a treatment program instead of solitary confinement, where they

Stunning PowerPoint by Solitary Watch – Solitary 101

By BitcoDavid PowerPoint presentation by Jean Casella and James Ridgeway of Solitary Watch. This is a truly massive work, and well worth taking a few minutes to watch in its entirety. Well written, informative and beautifully enhanced with photos and graphics, this presentation is a must see. [scribd id=112968967 key=key-2ie00yd1pafq5iysqiar mode=scroll] BitcoDavid is a blogger

How Prisoners Make Us Look Good – From the NYT

By BitcoDavid I finally got a second to get a post up on here! I’ve been swamped, working on several upcoming projects, including the last video in the series of interviews with Felix Garcia by Jim Ridgeway and Pat Bliss, the PDF serialization of Felix’s story and an Idea Jim Ridgeway and I are hammering

On the other hand… A Reblog From People of the Eye

By BitcoDavid In Nobody should be thanking the FRC Prez People of the Eye state that Angela McCaskell’s sin, if you will, wasn’t in exercising her Civil Liberties, but rather in her “REASONING for doing so since it jeopardizes recently gained LGBTQ marriage rights and because other civil rights are not put up for question /

Nevada-CURE Documents Prisoner Abuses NV-CURE for the past year has been gathering information on abuses within the Nevada prison system. These abuses include, but are not limited to, physical beating of prisoners in restraints by staff, denial of adequate medical care, retaliation for use of the grievance and judicial process, housing assignments made without regard to prison realities,

It’s Not All Bad

ABC News reported on the growth and progress of Community Courts. I got the article from AnotherBoomerBlog – Marsha Graham. The idea, albeit quite new, is simply stellar. These are small local courts set up to deal with low level crimes – vandalism, drunkenness and prostitution. Here’s the article link: Instead of dolling out

Five Years in Solitary – For a Cell Phone – by HumansInShadow

I got this from  They got it from Jim Ridgeway’s site, It appears that Phillip Miller was a model prisoner, having served the first half of a twenty year sentence. A guard smuggled a cell phone in, and Miller ended up getting an additional 5 years in solitary. Miller was brought before an

Breaking – From Prisonmovement’s Weblog – PA Rejects Clemency in Terry Williams Case

We’ve been following this story. Here’s the latest in this tragic case. Our gratitude to Prisonmovement’s Weblog for keeping us updated. A divided Pennsylvania Board of Pardons voted against clemency for convicted Philadelphia killer Terrance “Terry” Williams in the 1984 killing of Mount Airy churchman Amos Norwood. Williams was a victim of constant sexual

Not Providing Interpreters for Deaf Persons Can Result in Tragedy as Loss of Life as Well as Be Costly for Jail Systems

Shawn Francisco Vigil, died in prison. He was not provided an interpreter during the medical/psychological intake process, was placed in isolation and committed suicide. Below, the link to the Denver Post‘s coverage: Jail officials had housed Vigil in a special unit away from the general population and failed to do any “meaningful analysis of

New York Times’ coverage of Terry Williams’ case

    On Sept. 13th, we posted an e-mail from that told the story of Terrence Williams, the Pennsylvania death row inmate, scheduled for execution on Oct. 3rd. Williams was found guilty of murdering the men who had continuously raped him since his early teens.   Here’s the link to the New York Times