Prison News Update

By BitcoDavid I’ve been swamped and working hard on getting caught up on videos and other projects, which I know you’ve been waiting for. Trust me, they’re coming. But I wanted to get a post up here, which will bring you up to speed on some of what’s going on within the prison system. On

New Webinars on Helping Survivors in Prison

By Pat Bliss An organization called Just Detention International is planning a series of Webinars on helping inmate survivors of sexual abuse and rape. Understanding the Issue: An Overview of Sexual Abuse in Prison is the title of the first one, and it’s scheduled to occur on Monday, November 5, 2012, at 2:00 PM EST.

A Deaf Policeman Heard the Noise…

By BitcoDavid Oaxaca Mexico now has a contingent of [d]eaf police officers, to monitor the non-audio equipped surveillance cameras that watch goings on in parking lots, markets and on streets. The belief being that these natural lipreaders will be able to observe conversations and other indications of criminal activity. Known as Angels of Silence the city of

Gallaudet Chief Diversity Officer Suspended

Angela McCaskill, the Chief Diversity Officer for Gallaudet University, was placed on paid leave on Wednesday, October 10th for signing a petition that asked for votes against Maryland’s same sex marriage law. The Washington Post reports that McCaskill was one of 200,000 Maryland residents who signed. The petition was calling for a referendum on the law.

Florida to Execute Schizophrenic “Prince of God”

  Truthout reports that Florida Governor Rick Scott has signed a new death warrant for John Erroll Ferguson, despite the fact that several psychiatrists agree as to the fact that he’s a paranoid schizophrenic. The State Supreme Court has ruled that although they agree with the psychiatrists’ findings, that the 64 year-old’s delusions are not

AI Media (Australia) Launches “Live Captioning” System

AI Media is an Australian social enterprise, who’s mission is to establish a method by which teachers in a classroom can lecture students, and the lecture will automatically appear as text on the student’s Laptop. The system works in all formats, including iOs, OSX and Android. The idea is that the teacher wears a lapel

Deaf Couple use Internet and Technology to Run Restaurant

Today’s New York Times reports on a Deaf couple that have opened a pizzeria restaurant in San Francisco. Russ and Melody Stein, who are [D]eaf, own Mozzeria, a restaurant in San Francisco. Workers use sign language, pen and paper, bulletin boards and the Web to communicate. What strikes me, is something that I’ve been saying

George Whitmore Dead at 68

George Whitmore died in anonymity and poverty, at the age of 68. In 1963, Whitmore was wrongfully convicted in the double homicide of Janice Wylie, 21 – a magazine editor, and Emily Hoffert, 23 – a schoolteacher. He was 19 years old. The interrogation by a group of all-White detectives lasted 22 hours. Whitmore, a

NAD Advocates for Deaf Youth in Foster Care

In a recently published position paper, the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) has issued a position paper that targets the special care Deaf children require in foster care. According to the NAD paper, Deaf children require foster care that is both linguistically and culturally accessible, including appropriate medical, psychological, educational and mental health services.