International Symposium on Criminal Justice and the Deaf

by anotherboomerblog Save the date: March 27TH, 2013 International Symposium at Bridgewater State University on Deafness, mental illness and the Criminal Justice System with special guest speaker – Dr. Brendan Montiero, M.D. Dr. Monteiro was co-chair of the 1st World Congress on Mental Health and Deafness at Gallaudet University, Washington, USA, where he was presented

California Ordered to Stop “Race-Based” Punishment

By BitcoDavid According to the Associated Press, and the Sacramento Bee, the California Court of Appeals has ordered the infamous Pelican Bay, to cease all race-based punishments with the exception of a riot or other emergency.  The order came down on January 23rd. Three Judges ruled unanimously, that the prison had to explore methods of

Digest Post – Sunday 1/13/2013

By BitcoDavid Truthout reports today, that the infamous supermax, Tamms, is officially closed. The solitary confinement maximum security facility in Illinois closed on January 4th. would like to thank Solitary Watch for alerting us to the story. “There is not a single man left behind. The era of the notorious Tamms supermax prison is

McCaskill Reinstated

By BitcoDavid According to the Washington Post, Angela McCaskill, the Chief Diversity Officer who was suspended in October of last year for signing a petition decrying Maryland’s same sex marriage law, has been reinstated to her position. The case was controversial because McCaskill – a representative of diversity at a school for the Deaf –

Methadone – Yes, No or Maybe

By BitcoDavid Ramon Rustin, warden of Metropolitan Detention Center in Albuquerque, plans on halting the center’s Methadone program, thereby saving Bernalillo County about $10,000 a month. Since 2006, the Center –  the largest non-penitentiary facility in Heroin plagued New Mexico – has been treating its addicted inmates with Methadone. As well as the expense, Rustin who

Another False Confession Cleared by DNA

By BitcoDavid The New York Times, on January 3rd, reported on the case of Joseph A. Buffey. Eleven years ago, Buffy was sentenced to 70 years for the robbery and rape of an 83 year old woman. According to the Times, Buffey confessed to the crime, but DNA tests prove his innocence. In fact, Buffey

Job Opportunity – NAD Director of Communications

By BitcoDavid The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) seeks a Director of Communications to work at its Silver Spring office and oversee the organization’s communications as well as engage in marketing efforts. The Director will ensure that all communications are timely, compelling, effective, and representative of the organization’s mission, vision, and values. The Director

Job Opportunity

By BitcoDavid This comes to us from I hope some of our readers may be interested. Here’s the link, the text will be posted below. Job Opportunity: Executive Director at Rocky Mountain Deaf School Employment Rocky Mountain Deaf School (RMDS) is a bilingual charter school located in the shadow of the beautiful Colorado

What’s Going On?

By BitcoDavid Well, I’m feeling pretty good about myself. Today, December 19th, the New York Times reported on the city of Oaxaca, Mexico’s use of Deaf officers to monitor the city’s surveillance cameras. But reported on this story on Oct. 25. That’s right. The Gray Lady – the paper that broke Watergate and the

Another Digest Post

By BitcoDavid With all that’s been going on at, I’ve been unable to keep up with regular news posts. Well, the world keeps on turning and news waits for no man. Now we’ve got a huge backlog that will be presented in one massive digest post. So, let’s get this done. On November 24th,