An Interview With Prison Author Glenn Langohr

By Glenn Langohr As most of your readers already know, you’ve spent some time in prison but have now turned your life around.  Can you tell us what happened to land you there and how your change/rehabilitation came about? Two good parents raised me, but they divorced when I was 12 years old. Being a

Shanna Groves Stops By for Cyber-Tour

By BitcoDavid Shanna Groves, prolific author, hearing loss activist, Internet personality and Show Me Your Ears diva, has graciously offered to provide this Supporter Contribution in the form of a cyber-book tour. She and I collaborated laboriously and came up with the following for your edification and delight. Shanna Groves was diagnosed with progressive hearing loss

Interview with Moorbey

By BitcoDavid Moorbey was generous enough to grant me a quick interview about his time on the Wrong Side of the Wall. His answers to my questions are presented intact – in his own unique voice. BD: How old were you when you were arrested? Moorbey: My very 1st arrest came at tha ripe ole

Interview With Glenn Langohr, Author of Prison Riot

By BitcoDavid While reading Prison Riot, I was struck by how similar this story is to the classic Melville novella, Billy Budd. Of course, the latter was written in a much more stilted voice, and was built on Biblical allegory – but the thread of the story is very much the same. Here we have

A Transcript for the Video on Felix

It has been brought to my attention that our Deaf and HOH readers cannot understand the video of Felix, we put up last week. To aid in their understanding, I have created a transcript of the entire video. This video is part I of a series that we will be rolling out over the next

County Jails vs. Prison from a Paralegal Perspective

I was asked by BitcoDavid to give my impressions of jail and prison as a paralegal. From 1993 to the end of 2006, I have spent a lot of my time either going into a prison or a jail. I hear many confuse the word jail when they mean prison so let me clarify the

Interview with Mr. Jesse Doiron English Professor and Leader of Inmates Book Club

I interviewed my colleague, Mr. Jesse Doiron who is an English professor at Lamar University in Beaumont, TX. For the past five years, he has led an interesting inmates’ book club. I asked him how he got the club started and how the inmates liked it. Implications for starting such book clubs for deaf inmates