Eighth and Final Chapter in the Felix Garcia Video Series

By BitcoDavid Here, at long last is chapter 8 in our video interview series with innocent Deaf inmate, Felix Garcia. Those of you who have followed us on this journey know that Felix has served 30 years – so far – for a crime he didn’t commit. DeafInPrison.com is one among many who have worked

A Brief Update on Felix

By Pat Bliss I made a trip down to see Felix which was not planned in advance for a business meeting with an attorney on a Monday.  I drove down early so that I could visit with Felix on Saturday and Sunday. He looked good, always smiling, and glad to see me. We talked (he lip reads me) about a lot of different things, but

Felix’s Story Serialized Pt. 1

By Pat Bliss As many of you know, I have been publishing a series on arrest and subsequent trial of Felix Garcia on DeafInPrison.com. It has been available in standard HTML format on my pages, Bliss-1 and Bliss-2 – with future pages yet to be posted. However, our editor, BitcoDavid has recently devised a way

A Brief Update on Felix

I, among others, receive a lot of letters from the prison population that generally contain adverse circumstances and their need to tell someone on the outside what is really going on – on the inside. That is good. We need to know in order to alert those who can help. But, there are still good

The Making of “Felix in His Own Words”

The idea to do an interview and a film started back in October 2010.  Conflicting schedules, Felix being moved within the system, postponed it until June of 2011. With Florida Department of Corrections giving us media approval, Washington Correspondent for Mother Jones Magazine, James Ridgeway, and I met at the Jacksonville, Florida airport where I picked him up. I had driven

A List of Useful Links Sent to Us by Marsha Graham

http://audismfreeamerica.blogspot.com/2012/01/fla-gov-scotts-office-reply-to-afa-re.html http://solitarywatch.com/2011/12/20/the-silent-terrifying-world-of-a-deaf-prisoner/ http://deaffirefly.wordpress.com/tag/felix-garcia/ http://charlieswinbourne.com/2011/12/20/uncovered-deaf-prisoners-treatment-at-the-hands-of-the-us-justice-system/ http://massprivatei.blogspot.com/2011/12/are-deaf-people-receiving-fair-trial-in.html http://disabilityrightsgalaxy.com/2012/03/01/a-nightmare-of-vulnerability/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pYO0VKYivs http://www.alldeaf.com/deaf-news/97432-hearing-brother-framed-deaf-brother-horrible-crime.html http://www.change.org/petitions/tell-the-state-of-florida-free-felix-garcia https://deafinprison.wordpress.com/tag/free-felix-garcia-facebook-page/ http://twitter.com/#!/JIMRIDGEWAY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDFve5ngVcI http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/unjust-incarceration http://www.facebook.com/pages/Free-Felix-Garcia/369853303028907?v=info http://www.gallaudet.edu/daily_digest/heard_17feb2012.html http://dartsociety.com/2012/01/unearthing-solitary-confinement-tip-time/ Some of these are already on our links page, and others have been embedded in other posts, but they all bear repeating.

Awaiting Trial

Lying on an inch thick mattress, puss running out of his ears, migraine headaches, vomiting chronically and constantly passing out, would accurately describe Felix Garcia’s day-to-day existence at the old Morgan Street Jail in downtown Tampa, Florida. The woefully ill-equipped medical staff struggled to help a new inmate – coming to see them regularly –

A Radio for the Deaf

[It’s a rare pleasure to get some good news from a Deaf prisoner, and this letter is one example. As I write Felix Garcia’s story, I thought I would like to share this letter from him, with you – our readers. Pat Bliss] 4-12-11 Ms. Patricia Bliss Hello Mom! 🙂 Yesterday they called me to