Pam Bondi has her “Cat in the Rain” Moment

By BitcoDavid I was checking Felix’s petition when one name caught my eye. Pamela Bondi – Florida. In the notes section it read, “Dude. Hook me up on this, and he’s all yours. I’ll go down there and spring him myself.” Yup. Conservative Florida Attorney General and noted Republican, Pam Bondi, jumped into her cherry,

A Brief List Regarding Felix Garcia’s Innocence

By Pat Bliss It has come to my attention that there are many who have commented on the story of deaf inmate Felix Garcia seeking more concrete evidence of his innocence.  I have not finished with the series on the Felix Garcia criminal case. I plan on presenting all the evidence showing innocence. But because it has been asked for now, I will briefly

Felix’s Story Serialized Pt. 2

By Pat Bliss BitcoDavid has been working hard on reformatting these sequences of Felix’s story into PDF files. I hope you enjoy this second installment in our combined effort. [scribd id=150174737 key=key-2lycpy2lg41verbguipa mode=scroll] Be sure and check out Felix’s petition. We need your help, freeing this innocent Deaf man. Pat Bliss is a retired

Boxer (The Horse, This Time)

By BitcoDavid I’m reminded by my good friends and mentors at MadMike’s America, that today is George Orwell’s birthday. The venerable author, linguist and political activist would have been 110 years old, today. One of my favorite Orwell characters – and not related to my avocation – is Boxer, the horse from Animal Farm. Boxer

Over 400 Signatures for Felix

By BitcoDavid I was delightfully surprised when checking Felix’s petition, this morning. We’ve finally gotten out of the 300s, where we’ve been stuck for months. We are now the longest lived, and largest petition, since this case went public. As Pat Bliss stated in her last update, the clemency hearing for Felix is underway now.

A First for Florida Deaf Prisoner Felix Garcia

By Pat Bliss [This article has been edited to remove the specific names of the researcher and her institution, by request of the original copyright holder – Ed.] Fist, let me tell you that the clemency action is in motion and the interview article I mentioned in my last update, is on hold due to

The Theft of Dignity by Pastor Mark Ehrlichmann

By BitcoDavid Pastor Ehrlichmann is a member of HEARD, and a supporter of the #JusticeForFelix project. Below is a letter he wrote for use in his Ministry, regarding Felix and the plight of all Deaf prisoners. It’s a heartfelt and profound read, and we are grateful to the Pastor for sharing it with us –

Remember We Are Picture People

By Pat Bliss I just came back from my third trip to Florida in 4 1/2 months. Each trip had a purpose as a step further to show the innocence of Felix Garcia and towards his freedom. Felix may not be fully cognizant of what all these meetings/interviews      mean to him but he certainly participates with all his might, and answers questions to the

My Trip and the Latest on Felix’s Case

By Pat Bliss In mid-December 2012, the Requests for Clemency were filed. This is the first step. The actual hearings may be quite some time from now. We are now engaged in informational meetings, like the one I mention below, with the Governor’s legal counsel. As we progress in this action, I will keep you posted. Thank

The Complete Felix Garcia Interview by Links

By BitcoDavid I’ve received some requests to reintegrate all the Felix videos back into one single interview. The result of that would be a 2 hour long piece. In my experience as a video editor, I’ve come to realize that most people can’t endure watching a 2 hour video. However, in the name of continuity,