My Misspent Youth – A Memoir

Once again, Marsha Graham serves as the inspiration for this post. One of her replies to a previous article reminded me of something that happened to me before I became a Citizen. *** In 1982, several members of the Boston Police, gang raped and murdered a 16-year-old honor student at a private bar called The

Deaf Culture Behind Bars – the Book

Well, since I spent all weekend fixing server disasters, only to discover that they weren’t fixed, I thought I’d talk about two archaic medieval commodities that you may remember – if you search the darkest recesses of your mind. The U.S. Mail, and books. You remember books, right? They were like really long tweets only

Poor Kim C*****

Yesterday, we posted a reblog from LipreadingMom about a Deaf child whose school refused to let him sign. That led to a conversation about mainstreaming, and I was reminded of a piece I did for school. *** Poor Kim C*****, her curse was not her dim brain, struggling to crank out a 60 IQ. Her

Leni Riefenstahl Would Be Proud

Leni Riefenstahl has long been one of my favorite directors. I know, you’re warming up the tar and plucking the feathers. Hold up a minute though. Let me explain myself. I enjoy propaganda – as an art form. I think if you look at it, knowing what it is, and just try to appreciate its

The Man Behind the Curtain Explains the Dials and Buzzers

I’m working on the transcript for #5 in the Felix Garcia series, and at the same time, working on the video for #6. For today’s post however, I thought I’d give you some insight into the tech work behind these videos. Bringing you this interview is really a pretty big job. The files came to

Just Visiting

The grounds are beautiful at the facilities I visit at the State Prison, Department Of Correction. I walk past careful beds of flowers, not a weed in sight. There are no trees or shrubs, though, nothing to interfere with the line of sight. We, the visiting group, go through the main door and into a

An Amp Guru – Music Synthesist’s Perspective on Deafness

Let me give you what I know about the science of sound. The term sound refers to the compression and rarefaction of an elastic medium in a contained space. This compression and rarefaction takes place within the range of 20Hz to 20KHz and moves at a rate of 340.29 meters per second. An individual sound

The Auburn System

In the 19th century, a craze swept across the American Penal System. It was called the Auburn System, also known as the New York System. The idea was an outgrowth of the Quaker idea that solitary confinement gave prisoners much needed time for introspection and atonement. Under the Auburn System, prisoners had to work at