Blacks and Whites Use Different Sign

The September 18th edition of the Washington Post – Health & Science section reports that even in the language of the deaf, race makes a difference. This story by Frances Stead Sellers of the Washington Post: Carolyn McCaskill remembers exactly when she discovered that she couldn’t understand white people. It was 1968, she was 15

So, What Do You Need to Know About ASL Name Signs? Workshop by Professor Andrew Byrne

This workshop presented by Professor Andrew Byrne during Deaf Awareness week at Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas, featured a fascinating description about the linguistic structure, origin and history of the process of “naming” in the Deaf community. Professor Byrne stated that there are many errors made by hearing people who assign name signs to deaf children

Deaf Awareness Week – Day 4

A member of HEARD, or perhaps a visitor to their site, wrote an interesting piece on the fact that emergency horns – to alert residents to everything from hurricanes to invasions – cannot be heard by the Deaf, and that there’s nothing in place to provide for their safety. It reminded me of something I’ve

Individuals with Disabilities and the Issue of False Confessions

False confessions are more common than expected. The most common explanations are that the suspect experiences fear, intimidation, frustration and “just wants to go home.” Deaf individuals as well as other vulnerable groups are at risk for making false confessions because of their communication differences and disabilities, youth, and personality characteristics.  In one case I

Deaf Awareness Week – Day 3 has set up a whole Web site devoted to finding homes for deaf dogs and cats, in celebration of Deaf Awareness Week. Page after page of wonderful, loving, rescue animals that need a little extra attention, because they’re deaf. Research has shown that teaching deaf dogs to follow basic Sign language commands isn’t difficult

Deaf Awareness Week – Day 2: Deaf Art Exibit – From Jean F. Andrews

This is a PowerPoint document, containing art works by Deaf artists in Texas. The exhibit was funded by the National Endowment of the Arts, VSA Arts, Southeast Texas Arts Council and the Texas School for the Deaf, in Spring 2008 at Lamar University and Texas School for the Deaf. [scribd id=108563101 key=key-1fa57uapoimtygxxh3h mode=scroll] Randy Garber

Day 1, Deaf Awareness Week

Did you know this is Deaf Awareness Week? Well it is. One thing that I wanted to do to help commemorate this milestone in Deaf Culture, is to post this little spelling test. The test comes to, courtesy of Dan Schwartz via Lipreading Moms and Dads. It’s an mp3 file of a simple spelling

Just Be Glad You Don’t Have To Carry This Around

I was on one of Shanna Groves’ pages last night, and I got into an interesting discussion with Dan Schwartz. Like me, he’s a blogger and an audio engineer, so we had something in common to chew the fat over. If you’re interested in hearing aid technology, Dan’s a font of information. I mentioned that

A Word About Our Art

One of the things I’m proudest of where is concerned is the varied collection of graphics we use in our posts. The idea behind inserting graphics came originally as an attempt at boosting our SEO, but I’ve come to enjoy putting pictures in each of our posts. I feel these graphics do much more