June 2013 at DeafInPrison.com

By BitcoDavid Boy, this month just snuck up and bit me! Here, a day late, is June’s retrospective embed. [scribd id=151344165 key=key-1p3frl7g80wkbkdttz3c mode=scroll] BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and

Dumbing Down Deaf Education

By Jean F. Andrews Following the NCLB mandates for achievement testing, linking teacher salaries to student test scores, the National reading Panel, the Common Core Standards and other expert panels–what is next to further dumb down deaf education? Where are graphic arts? Painting and sculpture? Reader’s theater? The dramatic arts including dancing? What about ASL

Felony Disenfranchisement

By BitcoDavid I’m old, but back when I wasn’t, we used to have these things called Civics classes. You may have heard of them. They were all the rage, before the No Child Left Standing law. One of the things stressed in these classes, was that felonies were not crimes against individual victims, but rather

Felix’s Story Serialized Pt. 2

By Pat Bliss BitcoDavid has been working hard on reformatting these sequences of Felix’s story into PDF files. I hope you enjoy this second installment in our combined effort. [scribd id=150174737 key=key-2lycpy2lg41verbguipa mode=scroll] Be sure and check out Felix’s petition. We need your help, freeing this innocent Deaf man. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/453/783/026/felix-garcia-should-be-granted-a-full-pardon Pat Bliss is a retired

Excellent Interview Video on Solitary from WGBH

By BitcoDavid The following video comes from Boston’s WGBH TV. The video presents a number of interesting facts regarding solitary confinement, including that it’s expensive, and poses a public safety threat. We know it’s torture, and we know that it destroys minds and crushes souls – but many argue that prisoners deserve no better. Well,

Death in Custody: a PDF From the DOJ

By BitcoDavid Below is a report from the Department of Justice, listing the number of deaths among prisoners in custody for the period from 2001 to 2007. [scribd id=149738294 key=key-72cuqll0vqwa4alewbw mode=scroll] BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a

Hey, They Made Their Choices…

By BitcoDavid I often hear the argument, people in prison made their choices – now they have to deal with the consequences. Many of us believe that the prisons in America are bursting at the seams with rapists, murders, thieves and pedophiles. And that – of course – isn’t completely untrue. On the other hand,

Casualties of our Educational System: The Illiterate Deaf Inmate

By Jean F. Andrews Teaching a deaf child how to read and write is an area that has perplexed befuddled and flummoxed deaf educators for hundreds of years. Why is reading so difficult to teach? What is it about the alphabetic code of English traps deaf children, youth and adults into lives of illiteracy? Is