An ABC Story

By BitcoDavid There are two essential reasons why it is harder to learn ASL as a second language, than spoken languages. First, Sign is a conceptual language rather than a symbolic one. The word table, in English, doesn’t mean a thing with four legs that sits in your kitchen. That would be your dog or

Jack’s annual Independence Day Plea

By Supporter Contributor Jack A common drug user. That’s right. That’s what I’ve become, and it’s all your fault. See, I get afraid of some things. Especially fireworks. I hear them, but I don’t know what they are. I get all kinds of scared. I shake – I shiver – I try and hide under

The Pay Off

By BitcoDavid All the Online study, all the DVDs and all the meetups have culminated in this.’s first ever ASL video jokes. Please enjoy these immensely funny jokes, presented in full video splendor. [wpvideo yYi3U8I6] BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer,

My Ship, Out on the Horizon

By BitcoDavid Let me tell you a story. Years ago, when I had a business, building and repairing audio equipment for musicians and recording studios, I received a call. [Ring, ring.] “Thank you for calling Bitco Electronics. May I help you?” “Yes, this is John Smith from Norwegian Cruise Lines…” “No thanks. We’re all set.”

Had to Share

By BitcoDavid God’ll get me for this, but I had to share it with you. This appeared on FaceBook, yesterday. But that’s not the funny part. The first comment was… “Governor Scott!” BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even

Boston Red Sox to Begin Training in ASL

By BitcoDavid The 2013 World Champion Boston Red Sox will begin a program of ASL training for all players, according to principal owner, John Henry. Henry said, “This has nothing to do with communication. It occurred to me and to [team manager] John Farrell, that ASL would be a good way for our players to

My Insperation

By BitcoDavid Derrick Coleman is the first Deaf NFL player. He has been featured in inspirational commercials, and has helped bring the Seattle Seahawks to the Superbowl against the Denver Broncos. Here’s a letter written to Mr. Coleman by a young girl. BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he

I Flunk My Hearing Test

By Joanne Greenberg I was sure that I would pass because I hear so much better than my husband, and while some people were difficult for me to hear unless I was facing them, most of them speak clearly enough for me to follow. I did the bit in the soundproof box and when the

The Shoe on Another Foot, and a Hat-tip to Dave Chappelle

By BitcoDavid I recently went to a Barnes and Noble, seeking ASL books, to help bolster my study of Sign. I walked into what is easily my favorite big box store, and approached the information desk. “Can I help you?” asked the woman in the kiosk. “Yes,” I responded. “Do you have an ASL section?”

Pam Bondi has her “Cat in the Rain” Moment

By BitcoDavid I was checking Felix’s petition when one name caught my eye. Pamela Bondi – Florida. In the notes section it read, “Dude. Hook me up on this, and he’s all yours. I’ll go down there and spring him myself.” Yup. Conservative Florida Attorney General and noted Republican, Pam Bondi, jumped into her cherry,