#KeepASLInSchools Video Finally Done!

By BitcoDavid It was like the 7 labors of Hercules! All kidding aside, it was a great project and I am proud and happy to have been a part of it. So, without further ado… [wpvideo q0bvepp3] As I am working more and more with Sign now, I’m learning some of the significant differences between

Is the U.S. Becoming a Police State?

By BitcoDavid The above infographic was made by SecurityHub.com, and sent to me via e-mail. the full sized original can be viewed, Here. Please comment. I would be interested to know if our readers agree or disagree. BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a

Evergreen Dog Bites Baby

By BitcoDavid This story has nothing to do with our stated mission, but I’m a dog lover who grew up in Evergreen, Co., and I can’t let a national story about both – in synchronicity – go unnoticed. [scribd id=210799261 key=key-182m5fl6m94neoagr2f0 mode=scroll] Of course, in my day, there was no 4700 block of Pine Road.

Song Tells Felix’s Suffering

By Pat Bliss Heather Hardy is one of the individuals who wrote our petition for Felix Garcia’s pardon. She recently completed recording the song she wrote to accompany that petition. She is currently seeking an interpreter to facilitate the production of a video of the song, which we will publish here, upon its completion. Until

Event: HEARD’s 3rd Aniversary Bash

By BitcoDavid HEARD will be celebrating its 3rd year, on Tuesday, February 18th at 6:30 PM, Eastern. The event will be held at D.C. Public Library, Tenley-Friendship Branch, 4901 V Street NW. There will be speakers, a new class of interns announced and the Al Jazeera documentary will be screened. Embedded below is the FaceBook

Event: HEARD Hosts Panel on Junius Wilson

By BitcoDavid In Nowhere Man in a Nowhere Land, by Jean F. Andrews, we told the story of Junius Wilson. He was a Deaf, Black man living in the Jim Crow South. He spent 76 years in the State Hospital for the Colored Insane – wrongfully charged with rape. On February 11th, HEARD and the Disability

Happy Saturnalia to All

By BitcoDavid Joyce Edmiston is the owner of Xpressive Handz Blog. She has been a contributor to both the Stop Hearing Loss Bullying, and the Keep ASL in Schools videos. She is also a posting member of our FaceBook Group, ASL Learners by DeafInPrison.com. Yesterday, she posted this video. It’s the perfect Christmas gift, Diabetically sweet.

Back From the Dead

By BitcoDavid Well, I’m back. For the past 2 weeks or so, I’ve been in Dante’s 9th circle of network upgrades. We now have a full terabyte – 4 processor hive for editing videos, and a domain controller running our 10 pcs in Active directory. I finally have my own registered domain name – BitcoDavid.com.

Preschools, Prisons and Deaf Inmates

By Jean F. Andrews In Sunday’s New York Times (October 26, 2013), Nicholas D. Kristof wrote a compelling piece linking two ideas that seemed, at first blush, to be oceans apart–preschools and prisons. What comes to mind is an innocent looking, three year old playing with play dough next to a grizzled inmate who looks beaten down by poverty, low education

Kids in Adult Jails: Almost Half States Stopping Practice

By BitcoDavid The Campaign for Youth Justice just released a report that states that a number of legislative bodies in America have revisited the concept of warehousing teen offenders in adult facilities. America detains 70,000 youths per day — WaPo. There are now numerous bodies of evidence that this practice not only keeps the offenders