Felix Garcia Gets First Parole Hearing

By BitcoDavid At 9:30AM, Eastern Standard Time, Felix Garcia – the innocent Deaf man who is currently serving his 31st year of a life sentence – will plead his case in front of a parole board. Although we all hope desperately, that Felix finally gets a scintilla of the justice he so rightly deserves, parole

Some Thoughts on Sign Videos

By BitcoDavid Stephen Torrence made Sign Language versions of popular rock videos, and he’s not alone. He’s not the first, and he won’t be the last, but he’s the first to shut down his channel, and halt all future production. He has also taken down his revenue channel. Torrence is Hearing, but has an interest

Cop Block Video on Kelly Thomas Case

By BitcoDavid This is the most in depth telling of this tragic story, I have ever seen. As always, I put forth the invitation to anyone in Law Enforcement, who can present a cogent rebuttal to this film. Don’t forget to send a birthday card to Felix. Suppose you had served 33 years of a

This is Still Going On?

By BitcoDavid Since we launched this Web site, almost 3 years ago, we’ve been reporting on cases where the police have beaten or jailed a Deaf person, because they didn’t realize that Sign language is not a threat. We’ve called for training of officers, and tried to post suggestions for Deaf citizens during police interactions.

The Pay Off

By BitcoDavid All the Online study, all the DVDs and all the meetups have culminated in this. DeafInPrison.com’s first ever ASL video jokes. Please enjoy these immensely funny jokes, presented in full video splendor. [wpvideo yYi3U8I6] BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer,

Top Criminal Justice Degrees Shares Infographic

By BitcoDavid Source: TopCriminalJusticeDegrees.org BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and a Pro/Am boxer. He has spent years working with diet and exercise to combat obesity and

Open Letter to Florida Clemency Board

By Joanne Greenberg Dear Clemency Board, I have been interested in the Felix Garcia case, for the last few years, and I have seen all of the material from that case, including the 2 hours of video interview on DeafInPrison.com. I know that he has exhausted his legal opportunities, but because there is a strong

“Felix Garcia” Music Video

By BitcoDavid It’s been nearly a month since I’ve posted anything. I’ve been working my – two baseballs in a sock – skinny, White butt off, on this video. As promised to you, back in January, we took Heather Hardy’s song and created this video. I even had to drive all the way to East

Press Release on Felix Garcia Case

By BitcoDavid Below, you can see a copy of the press release that Sachs Media Group sent out to all the major players in both the national and local media. DeafInPrison.com is not only proud of our efforts to free Felix Garcia, but we are also quite flattered that Sachs Media included us in that

Deaf Bill of Rights act in Georgia

By Supporter Contributor Frank James John Lala, Jr., Ph.D.   [scribd id=214463509 key=key-f69l25rm7bn4eb70cmp mode=scroll] Here’s the linked Ruling via embedded PDF.   [scribd id=214466324 key=key-1c34geqcw3phhw6v8asz mode=scroll] For more reading by Frank James John Lala Jr. Ph.D. see the link below. http://www.amazon.com/Counseling-Substance-Abuser-Frank-James/dp/0966375300 Keynote Speaker at the World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf on