The Language of Light: A History of Silent Voices

Book Review: The Language of Light: A History of Silent Voices (2017) by Gerald Shea Yale University Press. New Haven. By Jean F. Andrews This is a history of sign language – “the language of light” – and how Deaf people have fought for centuries for the right to use their language. The controversy of

Language learning and Deaf Children in Morocco

By Jean F. Andrews In his book, Literacy, Culture, and Development : Becoming Literate in Morocco, Professor Daniel Wagner (1993) describes the complex language learning contact situation of hearing boys and girls in Morocco. Deaf children are no different. They too are born into a complex language contact situation where their  hearing families speak

Book Review by Jean Andrews

By Jean F. Andrews Backspace by Steve C. Baldwin, published by Savory Words Publishing (2015) Set in southeast Texas, Dr. Steve Baldwin crafted a briskly paced murder mystery filled with family violence, addiction, bullying, blackmail, deceit and greed, murder, and incest.  In the early 1950’s, stuck in an unsympathetic hearing world filled with ignorance, misinformation,

More on Si5S

By BitcoDavid A few months ago, we did a piece on Si5S, a written form of ASL. Si5S deserves your attention because it nullifies the argument that ASL isn’t a language due to the fact that it has no written form. But its relevance goes beyond that. For one thing, it can help non-Signers learn

The Making of the Film “Love is Never Silent”

By Joanne Greenberg I wrote the book In This Sign, parts of which were made into a Hallmark Hall of Fame production. The book had been out for some years and had won an award for its portrayal of Deaf people and their hearing children. Because my husband and I had become part of the

Outcasts and Angels: Stories featuring the Deaf

By BitcoDavid As many of you know, for about the past 3 weeks, I’ve been working to translate and caption the video “What is ASL?” by Deaf activist and Signing whiz, Lilcoco Love. But she’s a native Signer, and I’m… well… I’m me. It’s an awesome video, and she’s got a lot to say. About

How To Learn About Deaf Culture? Read Tom Holcomb’s Introduction to American Deaf Culture

By Jean F. Andrews Tom Holcomb, writer-scholar-teacher who is Deaf, captures the heart, mind and soul of the Deaf community in his book, Introduction to American Deaf Culture. Respect me as a member of a cultural-linguistic group, don’t pity me as a member of a group of disabled individuals. While sign languages are not universal

Book Review: Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman

By Joanne Greenberg This is a memoir of fifteen months spent in Danbury Federal Prison work camp. In the range of prisons, this was the highest (best); the others were downhill from there. Piper had been a drug dealer, left the drug game, and ten years later was arrested in connection with a sweep arrest

Militarized Cops and Drug War Victims

By BitcoDavid The Huffington Post recently featured a story by Radley Balko, author of Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces. The article centers around the death of Cheryl Ann Stillwell, a middle-aged single woman, shot to death in a police raid gone awry. According to Balko, Stillwell was a recluse,

Book Review of Outcasts and Angels: The New Anthologogy of Deaf Characters in Literature by Edna Edith Sayers, Galluadet University Press (2012).

By Jean F. Andrews CHOICE is a publication which reviews books for academic settings. This book appeared in the April 2013 issue of CHOICE. Outcasts and angels: the new anthology of deaf characters in literature, ed. by Edna Edith Sayers. Gallaudet, 2012. 361p bibl afp ISBN 9781563685392 pbk, $35.00; ISBN 9781563685408 e-book, $35.00   Fiction