Is Manson’s Horror Coming True?

By BitcoDavid Jack and I took the trusty Ford Escort into the shop today, to get the brake lights fixed. The talk within the dingy concrete walls – of course – was all about the Trayvon Martin Case. Sadly, it wasn’t sympathetic. All over the country, yesterday and today, there have been protests ranging from

What Aktion T4 Can Teach Us About Ourselves

By BitcoDavid Named after the chalet in which it was drafted, Aktion T4 was officially adopted in Sept. of 1939. The law enabled the government of the 3rd Reich to commit euthanasia on those it deemed Lebensunwertes Leben – Life unworthy of life. The aged, the infirm, the birth-defected, the intellectually challenged and the Deaf.

Now, This is the Stupidest Thing I’ve Ever Heard

By BitcoDavid AlterNet just posted a piece on certain states enacting laws against baggy pants. I’d have filed this story under humor if I was kidding – but I’m not. Cities around the country including Cocoa Beach, FL, Lynwood, IL, Boston, New York City and Shreveport, LA have enacted – or are in the process

A Quick Tech Question

By BitcoDavid Generally speaking, if it transfers energy through gears and pulleys, if it works by electrons coursing through wires, or if it involves bouncing binary digits off satellites – I’ve got it down. But Marsha Graham and I are working on ways to create virtual access to the ASL Meetup. What I would like

June 2013 at

By BitcoDavid Boy, this month just snuck up and bit me! Here, a day late, is June’s retrospective embed. [scribd id=151344165 key=key-1p3frl7g80wkbkdttz3c mode=scroll] BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and

What He Said, and What it Says About Us

By BitcoDavid Texas – the state that’s turning execution into a pastime – publishes the last words of death row inmates. We got this story from an excellent piece in the Gray Lady. If you read it, pay particular attention to the comments section. We tend to forget that in America, most people view inmates

Dumbing Down Deaf Education

By Jean F. Andrews Following the NCLB mandates for achievement testing, linking teacher salaries to student test scores, the National reading Panel, the Common Core Standards and other expert panels–what is next to further dumb down deaf education? Where are graphic arts? Painting and sculpture? Reader’s theater? The dramatic arts including dancing? What about ASL

Event: FCC Phone Rates Workshop, Wednesday July 10

By BitcoDavid We have mentioned before, that Deaf inmates pay a much higher rate for phone service, than do hearing inmates. Furthermore, most facilities offer only the bare minimum in terms of usable telephone communication devices, to Deaf inmates. Add to this the fact that communications companies and the prison facilities themselves, profit off phone

Felony Disenfranchisement

By BitcoDavid I’m old, but back when I wasn’t, we used to have these things called Civics classes. You may have heard of them. They were all the rage, before the No Child Left Standing law. One of the things stressed in these classes, was that felonies were not crimes against individual victims, but rather