Major Update on Felix’s Case


By BitcoDavid

As most of you know, has been working tirelessly, on the release of Felix Garcia, the innocent Deaf man, imprisoned for 30 years thus far, in Florida. We have written countless pieces on his situation, been in constant contact with Pat Bliss, the paralegal who has been working on this case for over a decade, now, and we created the longest lived and most active petition thus far, seeking his pardon.

Well, Pat Bliss and Reggie Garcia – the pro bono attorney who’s handling the clemency hearing – have enlisted the aid of Sachs Media Group in an effort to inform both the public, and the requisite Florida legislators, about this urgent case.

Image courtesy of Pat Bliss

Image courtesy of Pat Bliss

Sachs Media is in the process of launching a FaceBook page, and of starting their own petition on will be transferring our 740+ signatures over to Sachs Media’s petition – which is directly linked to the e-mail addresses of the same individuals we were targeting. That way, those individuals will receive signatures immediately, rather than our waiting until we reach the 1000 mark. Sachs Media will also be coordinating this activity with a press release – something we’ve tried on numerous occasions.

I will be posting those links as soon as they become available to me.

This is a major step forward in Felix’s case. Sachs Media has a large war chest of contacts and resources they will be able to bring to bear, and those of us who have worked to see Felix freed, may finally get the resolution we’ve been working so hard – and waiting so long – for.

Most recent photo of Felix with Pat Bliss.  Image credit Pat Bliss

Most recent photo of Felix with Pat Bliss.
Image credit Pat Bliss

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the individuals who have signed our petition, and who have worked through social media as well as contributing or commenting here, on Your signatures will now be added to a much larger pool, and transferred directly to Pam Bondi, Governor Scott and all the members of the Florida Cabinet who have sway with the Clemency Board. When Felix is released, you will be able to say that you were directly responsible for helping to make that dream a reality.

BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and a Pro/Am boxer. He has spent years working with diet and exercise to combat obesity and obesity related illness.

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  1. Pingback: Is the U.S. Becoming a Police State? | deafinprison

  2. Pingback: Press Release on Felix Garcia Case | deafinprison

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