Yay! Captions!


Our first installment in the ground-breaking video series, “Felix in His Own Words,” is now – finally – captioned for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Although the video is in the same location as before – on our scroll page – I have included the link, here.


Please note: On the right hand side of the control bar, you will find a button that allows for full screen viewing. If you view this video in the embedded mode – not full screen – you will need to move your mouse off the page. That will cause the control bar to disappear, allowing you to read the captions.

My thanks go out to Talila Lewis of H.E.A.R.D. for her efforts in convincing me of the necessity of this, and to NCAM for explaining the technical ins and outs. Above all, my special thanks go out to ME, who’s bleeding fingers and bleary eyes attest to how labor intensive and difficult a chore this is.

Although there are numerous turnkey solutions available, I found none of them to be satisfactory, and I ended up having to do it all manually, in the editing suite.

The second installment will be ready in a couple of days, and the upcoming third installment is at the interpreter’s, getting cooked. It – and all our future videos – will be captioned. A site dedicated to the well being of the Deaf needs to provide information that is accessible to the Deaf.

As to the written transcriptions – they will still be available, but in linked PDF format.

In the meantime, please enjoy “Felix in His Own Words – Part I” in all its captioned glory.

