Massachusetts’ Saddest Day


By BitcoDavid

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This has nothing to do with the Deaf, or with the Justice System. But nonetheless, it’s an obituary that I am truly saddened to post. On October 20th, the legendary Hilltop Steak House will close its doors. I courted my wife there – or should I say, she courted me, being the member of our family who actually worked for a living.

This place could change the religion of even the strictest of Vegans. They offered steaks the size of surfboards, homemade planks of bread, dripping with artery-clogging butter, and all the mashed potatoes a person could ever want. You could actually feel yourself getting fatter, just sitting in one of their many Western Town themed rooms. Rooms like, Dodge City, Abilene  and Sioux City.

Although there was always a line stretching around the building and into the vacuous parking lot, you never waited longer than 15 or 20 minutes, because the place was so huge. Out front, were a line of phony plastic cows. These iconic cows stared out onto U.S. Rt. 1, and became symbols as eidetic of life on the North Shore, as is the Statue of Liberty, to Ellis Island. Once, some college kids – for a prank – stole one of these cows, and the event made national headlines.

At about that time, my wife and I went to an art exhibit at MIT. There, in one of the back rooms collecting dust, stood the very cow. My wife – the following day – made an anonymous call to the restaurant, and they got their cow back. We could actually pick it out, standing among its heard, whenever we’d take that drive up Rt. 1.

I once brought a friend who has Ushers Type II, up there after bringing him to Spooky World, where we obtained autographs from David Carradine, Elvira and Linda Blair. My cousin and I dined there often. I celebrated a reunion with an old friend from one of the bands I used to work with, there – and it was the one restaurant I could take my parents to, that offered them a taste of their Colorado home.

Rt. 1 used to be caught in a time warp. It was perpetually 1965. The road almost had the air of a theme park to it. All those sights are gone now, and the last one – my favorite one – will be gone in another 10 days. Good bye old friend. You will be missed.

BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and a Pro/Am boxer. He has spent years working with diet and exercise to combat obesity and obesity related illness.
