A Brief Word From Jack


By Jack


Image Credit: BitcoDavid

I know this has nothing to do with the Deaf, or the justice system, but I managed to talk BitcoDavid into giving me the mic, for just a few words. The 4th is tomorrow, and I’m asking dog owners and non alike, to take a moment to think about how we 4 legged people react to fireworks. I get that they’re pretty and stuff, but for us, they’re really scary.

We shake, cry, hide under tables, and some of us even lose control of our private functions! How would you like it? A dog has his dignity you know. So, just give it some thought. I’m not trying to wreck your fun, or your holiday. I’m just sayin’ that some dogs, cats and other bipedal challenged individuals have a tough time of it, during this holiday.

Image Credit: BitcoDavid

Image Credit: BitcoDavid

Concerts? Barbeques? Great! Knock yourself out! We love that stuff too, and especially when you take us along. Just don’t leave us in the car. It gets awfully hot in there, and sometimes dogs even die.

Just basically, when you’re out partying and enjoying the fourth, give some thought to what’s up with your bestest bud. That’s all I’m saying.

Jack is a Lab-Chow who has devoted his life to bringing awareness to the plight of Shelter Dogs and Rescues. He enjoys running, jumping and eating.


Comments (8)

  1. Dear Jack,

    I know how hard all the fireworks are for you because loud, abrupt noises are actually painful to me – and I’m a human. My best dog friends – Duke and McKinley – are simply terrified of fireworks. And we live in Massachusetts where they are prohibited, but wiseguys still get them from NH and make a lot of noise with them.

    I hope your Mom and Dad keep you close, don’t let you out except on a leash (bummer, I know), and maybe even invest in a ThunderShirt for you (they help, lots, helping our dear fur babies feel safer). I used to give Duke a Benadryl (yeah, I can hear David now…get over it, David, it’s one day!) and that would help him sleep through a lot of the racket.

    And no leaving our fur babies (or human ones, either) in HOT CARS in the summer. Or freezing ones in winter.

    I’m sure you will be fine. You’ve got good non-fur parents who love you and look out for you the best they can.

    In friendship,
    Duke’s Auntie and Kinley’s Grandma

    • Thank you Auntie Marsha. I know I’ll be fine, because my mom and dad love me very much. It’s a little late for them to run out and buy a thunder shirt, but I’ll talk with David about the Benadryl. Might not be a bad idea.

  2. Pingback: Marlee Matlin @ BHCC | deafinprison

  3. Pingback: Jack’s Annual Independence Day Plea | deafinprison

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