New York Times’ coverage of Terry Williams’ case




On Sept. 13th, we posted an e-mail from that told the story of Terrence Williams, the Pennsylvania death row inmate, scheduled for execution on Oct. 3rd. Williams was found guilty of murdering the men who had continuously raped him since his early teens.


Here’s the link to the New York Times article:


The inmate, Terrance Williams, 46, is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection on Oct. 3 for killing a man after what his supporters say was years of being abused by the victim, as well as by a teacher and an older boy who first raped him when he was 6.

This case has received a lot of media attention, and groups like are seeking to have the death penalty overturned in favor of life in prison. In Pennsylvania, a life sentence means no parole.


English: The room at , completed in 2010. Espa...

The room at San Quentin – completed in 2010. Until this room was built, all California executions were carried out in a converted gas chamber, Also at Quentin. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A petition urging Gov. Tom Corbett and the state’s Board of Pardons to commute Mr. Williams’s sentence to life without parole has been signed, his lawyers said, by about 286,000 supporters, including former judges, religious leaders, mental health professionals and 35 advocates for children, who say his crimes resulted from a long history of abuse.

Personally, I – not being a lawyer – would call what Terry did, justifiable homicide. In my opinion, although he certainly does not deserve death, nor does he deserve life w/o parole.

English: new version of File:Death sentences U...

            Death sentences United States                    (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


