Jack’s Annual Independence Day Plea


Jack byline

By Supporter Contributor and Internet Rock Star, Jack


Happy and safe 4th to everybody.

Happy and safe 4th to everybody.

It’s coming! I can feel it in my bones, and I’m not a happy Lab-Chow. Fourth of July! The worst day to be a dog, of all the days to be a dog. BitcoDavid lets me write a post once a year, imploring you to take caution when enjoying this holiday, as it is often an unsafe and very scary time for your bestest – us.

Look. Fireworks scare us. I mean they really scare us. I’ve heard about dogs running out of the house and getting lost, kidnapped or even hit by cars. I’ve heard of dogs getting sick – heart problems, digestive tract issues, shock – all from fear. I’ve even heard of dogs breaking bones or suffering other injury by trying to hide under furniture, behind refrigerators and stuff like that.

No to cake, but yes, please to Greenies.

No to cake, but yes, please to Greenies.

But it’s not just the fireworks. We really shouldn’t be out back with you, during the Barbecue. We can inhale smoke, get burned by charcoal or knock the whole thing over, by accident. Sometimes your friends give us beer, or feed us chocolate or onions. It might even look like we’re having fun, but we’re not. Those things are bad for us, and in some cases can even kill us.

Some people take their fur-children and fur-friends with them to other people’s parties, and leave us in the car. Can you believe that? It happens all the time. Do you know that the inside of a car can get up to 140 degrees? We have fur coats, and we don’t sweat the way you do. The only way we can cool off is through our tongues and our feet. You could be inside in the AC, partying and having the time of your life – but meanwhile, the guy who’s trusted you with his life, is dying.

This is me, after a bath. Sheesh.

This is me, after a bath. Sheesh.

So please, give some thought to what I’ve said. You can enjoy this holiday. Far be it from me, a little black dog, to ruin your fun. Just know that this is an unsafe and very scary time for us. And who do you care more about than your dog? Huh? I ask you?

Be safe, have fun and follow state and local laws. If you want to learn more about this, visit my close friend RumpyDog. He’s a Malamute, but that doesn’t mean he can’t write well.

Jack is a Lab-Chow. He was born into a Georgia dog fighting ring, but abandoned due to his size. He rescued BitcoDavid, and Mrs. BitcoDavid and now lives happily in Massachusetts. He enjoys barking at the dog in the mirror, and Greenies. As you can see, he’s an accomplished writer.


Comments (3)

  1. I even heard once of a dog jumping through a plate glass window because he was so scared! ACK!

    This is off topic, but when I read the post it reminded me of a lab-chow that lived with me. HIs name was Lucky. As a pup he stepped in a steel trap. It cut off one leg and he chewed off the other to get out. Amazingly, he survived, and ended up at the University of Tennessee Vet Hospital, where they created some paws for him. Then he lived in Manchester, TN with a lab rescuer who rehabbed him. And then he went to live with Jen.

    I remember Lucky was a cool dog, but as he got older, he got more aggressive. I’m mentioning that because of what you said about the most recent vet visit. The vet said it may be pain from the injuries, but they weren’t sure.

    I’m glad he’s with you and the Mrs., and that you two love him enough to take care of him and keep others safe too.

  2. Pingback: Jack’s annual Independence Day Plea | deafinprison

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