
It has been a while since writing a post, but Felix has told me it is okay to write something to his supporters. The last two years have been rough for Felix and the whole world. Covid came upon us so quickly. No one was prepared for it, and no one knew how to deal with it. So, lockdowns, social distancing, and masks were ordered. Prison visits, prison programs, work assignments, and chapel services came to a screeching halt.

Felix and Pat 2016. Image Pat Bliss.

However, via conference call, Felix did have another parole hearing in August of 2020. Our pro bono attorney, Reggie Garcia, and I took part in that call. Members of the original victim’s family participated as well. They asked the Board for seven more years until Felix’s next hearing. We stated that he is ready for parole now, in no uncertain terms. The Parole Commission decided to set Felix’s next parole hearing in 2022. It was a compromise in our favor. Felix took it like a champ and was determined to use the next two years to improve his signing and go to classes when available.

At this point, finally, the lockdowns have ended. Most of the prisons are back to regular activity, although Virginia still mandates masks, vaccinations, and—as for visitors not vaccinated—a covid test is required. Felix is back to work and grateful he was spared infection. Soon he will be receiving ASL resources on DVD from the HEARD Organization. The authorities have agreed to consider that self-improvement classwork and are willing to give Felix credit.

Felix will have spent forty Christmases incarcerated as of this upcoming holiday. He has never opened presents with his family, gathered around the tree. He has never experienced a family Christmas dinner. But you can help make it memorable for him. I encourage you—his supporters—to send him a Christmas card:

Felix Garcia, #1805390,

Greensville Correctional Center,

901 Corrections Way, Jarrett, VA 23870.

Felix called me yesterday and asked me to share his love and appreciation for your prayers and support. And not to forget the reason for Christmas is honoring the birth of Jesus.

Merry Christmas, and may the New Year 2022 be a blessing to all!

Pat Bliss
Felix Garcia


Comments (3)

  1. THANK YOU! Glad Tidings of Struggle and Joy.

    Susan M.

    The liberal approach often relies on state institutions to challenge injustice; the radical relies on grassroots movements, on ordinary people power.

    Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them. Assata Shakur


  2. Alison Byrne

    Pat, for those of us who’d like to write Felix a card AND do something more (monetarily, in particular), what do you suggest? Donating to HEARD? Or a specific fund that supports you and your work with Felix? An account that provides money to Felix? Somewhere else? I want to share this on Facebook and hope some people want to donate.

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