Event: HEARD’s 3rd Aniversary Bash


By BitcoDavid

HEARD will be celebrating its 3rd year, on Tuesday, February 18th at 6:30 PM, Eastern. The event will be held at D.C. Public Library, Tenley-Friendship Branch, 4901 V Street NW. There will be speakers, a new class of interns announced and the Al Jazeera documentary will be screened. Embedded below is the FaceBook invitation page.

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BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and a Pro/Am boxer. He has spent years working with diet and exercise to combat obesity and obesity related illness.

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Comments (1)

  1. Just sent this to Bob Edwards Radio Hour. If not appropriate for your blog no problem but thought I’d share it with you any way.

    >>>Hello. I’m on my way to India and an dying to download Mr. Bill Ayers’ book *Public Enemy t*o read on the 20 hour flights etc. No luck on IBooks. I’m so upset about this. The interview with him was incredibly informative on so many fronts. Anyway, any suggestions?? Also, on another note, that particular “Hour” this week is the newest example of my growing (even now at 71) struggle to get someone’s ear (no pun intended) about initiating accessible radio for Deaf/Hard of Hearing people; 100 million strong in the U.S. I can’t stand that my kids, now in their forties and parents to boot, with deaf&hearing kids of their own, can’t hear these phenomenal programs! Truth is that all the script/text in the world can’t do justice to “listening” to you and Bill discuss the topics you discussed (I have dozens and dozens of examples as you can imagine having listened to NPR programs since my twenties…). My vision/dream is for the shows to be taped with the addition of great sign language interpreters in the studio during taping… This way, podcasss (maybe podcasts or some other method) could then be totally accessing, including being captioned before downloading. If anyone says “oh, but they can read the script”… urghhhhhh. That is just the point.; IF “reading” the script” was satisfying, then why have radio at all??? So I’ll let you go, but more conversation I know would convince you that my dream of accessible radio for Deaf/Hard of hearing who miss out on allllll of it, IS DOABLE and could impact the lives of another hundred million people as the programs do for millions of Hearing people (like me) who thrive because of PUblic Radio…Last word: this is the time of the Academy Awards and for the zillionth time, Marty Moss-Cohane will host a panel on her annual Radio Times segment about the films, the nominees etccccc. On several occasions over the decades, when I was fighting the good fight with Hollywood and NATO (National Organization of Theater Owners) to get them to make American movies accessible via Open Captions (but that’s a whole huge story for another time), I would “call in” to the show and make mention that in all the world ONLY American deaf/hard of hearing people had NO ACCESS to the single most popular form of entertainment in the world… American movies! And Ms Moss-Cohane and her guests would quip… ‘Oh, but today they are interpreted. Right?” and hand up for the ‘next caller’. It was maddening. The level of ignorance … Anyway, thanks for ‘listening’. to my rant:) and hope very much to hear back from you.

    On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 8:54 AM, deafinpris

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