According to the ASL Meetup group…


By BitcoDavid

Even this promo pic looks scary. Image: Schmoes know

Even this promo pic looks scary. Image: Schmoes know

Well, the results are in. According to the overwhelming majority at an unusually large Meetup group, last night – The Conjuring is a really scary movie. Some members told me – in flawless Sign, of course – that it’s even scarier than The Ring. The latter being the Scariest movie I, myself, have ever seen.

Further, it was decided that Black is the best color. It makes you look thin, and it hides things like coffee stains and spilled frozen yogurt.

A certain amount of the evening’s discussion was devoted to Algebra, a heinous torture invented by the Arabs as revenge for the crusades. I learned the Sign for Algebra, and proposed an immediate moratorium on the subject, immediately afterward.


Algebra (Photo credit: kollektive Wahrnehmung)

On the FaceBook side, ASL Learners by, is coming along nicely. We’re up to 30 members at this point. In a completely non-scientific poll, we’ve determined that the overwhelming method for most fledglings to learn Sign, is via the Meetups.

If you’re on FaceBook, please sign up for our group.

***And, don’t forget Felix’s petition. We’re just shy of 600 signatures. Felix is still rotting in Tomoka for a crime he didn’t commit. Come on, people. Pam Bondi is champing at the bit, to cut him loose. Let’s help make it easier on her.***

BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and a Pro/Am boxer. He has spent years working with diet and exercise to combat obesity and obesity related illness.
