Super Huge Digest Post – 6/14/2013


By BitcoDavid

OK. Spark up a Cohiba and get settled in.

Books and Movies

We recently did a review of the book, Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman. Well, Netflix is planning a streamed television series based on the book. As many of you may be aware, Netflix is working to position themselves not only as a source for TV and movie rentals, but as creator of original broadcast material. Their first foray into that realm is with a continuation of the amazingly funny series – originally broadcast on Fox – Arrested Development. Fans of that show (like me) are overjoyed that Netflix saw fit to make it their flagship show. Also in that list however, will be Orange is the New Black. Created by the same production team that did the HBO hit, Weeds, Netflix appears to be writing the screenplays for the series with an eye towards a Black Comedy. I think this book is marvelously suited for that approach.

Here’s an embed of the trailer, and a link to a great review of the upcoming series on We Minored in Film.

Cops and Training

Any cop who has pictures of MLK and Ghandi on his wall, is OK in my Book Photo: Improving Police

Any cop who has pictures of MLK and Ghandi on his wall, is OK in my Book
Photo: Improving Police

I like to write. Sometimes when I’m in a stroking mood, I even refer to myself as a writer.  Here’s the thing. Cops can’t write. Most of ’em can’t even type. Cop writing is full of stilted militarized jargon, and riddled with the most horrific of passive voice. A cop could actually turn John shot mike into A bullet fired from the weapon held by John caused death to be had by Mike – and yes, he’d omit the comma.

Well, as I’ve mentioned before, the exception that proves the rule would be the site, Improving Police by retired Police Chief, David C. Couper. As well as a blog site, Couper has written several books. His focus is on Neighborhood and Community policing and training. He’s an excellent and enlightening read. Here’s a link to his latest post, Let’s Hear it Once More About How to Train Police.

I’ve been reading his blog for a long time. He presents cogent and reasoned arguments against para-military stress training and in favor of community policing policies, and he does so from the cop point of view. And best of all, he writes like a writer. It’s worth checking out.

Shanna Groves’ Awesome Interview

The Lipreading Mom, whom I helped with her Stop Hearing Loss Bullying Campaign video, posted an interview with me talking about She did a wonderful job, and now my head won’t fit through my front door. Here’s the SHLB video embed, again, and a link to the interview.


I was on Deaf Chat – a feature on Deaf Insight – last week, when the discussion turned to the trend in eliminating ASL from public schools throughout America. I was unaware that this was going on, but apparently, numerous schools have already discontinued their ASL programs, and more are slated to do so. It was decided that a campaign and a video would be necessary to raise awareness among the general public, and to let the schools know that a working and current ASL program needs to be a vital part of any education system. And who do you think was asked to edit the video? Yours truly – that’s who. I’m pleased that they recognize my skill, and I’m proud to be a part of this vital project.

Police Brutality

AlterNet did an article listing 12 examples of police overreach, bullying and brutality – and that was just for this month. Rather than listing them off, I’ll just give you the link to this must read post. 12 Shocking Examples of Police Brutality – This Month by Alternet

ASL Group Dot Com

The ASL Meetup group in action. Photo - BitcoDavid BlogSites

The ASL Meetup group in action. Photo – BitcoDavid BlogSites

As many of you already know, AnotherBoomerBlog‘s Marsha Graham fell down a flight of stairs and broke her shoulder. Well, what you may not know is, that event triggered a bunch of other bad luck events, and now Marsha is unable to attend our ASL Meetup sessions. This is tragic for me because she was the driving force behind getting me involved with the group. She served as my mentor and teacher, and any fledgling success I’ve had learning Sign, I owe to her – and of course, the other members of the group, all of whom are exceedingly patient and supportive.

Well, the good news is that Marsha and I are hammering out the tech details necessary to get her to be able to participate from her home computer. At first, it will be something simple like Skype or some other form of video messaging, but theoretically, we could bring the whole thing online. Soon, we’d have ASL! Signers from all over the world could log on and participate. How cool is that!

3 More Great Links from AlterNet

Let me save some time and some bits by just giving you these three self explanatory formatted links.

Did a “Troubled Teen” Rehab Create Murders? (Alternet) This is an article about a chain of privately owned juvenile facilities that are being investigated for abuse.

I Was Almost a Victim of the School to Prison Pipeline (Alternet) The author asks why schools are so eager to adopt police roles, and assist in the militarization of U.S. institutions?

Utah Cops Assassinated 21-year-old Woman Sitting in Her Car, Parents Claim (Alternet) A Utah drug enforcement squad is under investigation on charges of corruption and murder.

Deaf Justice

Here’s another offsite project I’ve been working on. Marsha Graham and I are working on creating an actively funded and fully functional organization, similar to the Innocence Project, but specifically for Deaf, HoH and Deaf/Blind inmates. While it’s still in its infant stages, it promises to be a way that many wrongfully convicted Deaf inmates can receive justice. Of course, readers will be kept up on all the developments, as we work to get this project launched.

BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and a Pro/Am boxer. He has spent years working with diet and exercise to combat obesity and obesity related illness.


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  1. Pingback: Launches ASL Learners FaceBook Group | deafinprison

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