First Digest Post of Summer – June 2nd


By BitcoDavid

I promised Moorbey I’d reblog this petition, so here it belatedly is.

Reblogged from Moorbey’z Blog:

Dear Friends and Supporters:

One month ago I made a request for compassionate release which was honored by the warden at Carswell Federal Medical Center. Today the papers are still on a desk in Washington, D.C. even though the terminal cancer that I have contracted requires expeditious action.

Although I requested immediate action by the Bureau of Prisons, I find it necessary to again request immediate action from you, my friends, comrades and supporters to call the three numbers listed below on Thursday, May 30 and request action on my behalf.

This could result in my being able to access medical treatment at Sloan Kettering so that I can face the rest of my life with dignity surrounded by those I love and who love me.

Please do this.

Yours truly

Lynne Stewart  FMS CARSWELL-53504-054

& Ralph Poynter

Lynne Stewart Defense Organization

Attorney GeneralEric Holder –  1 202 514 2001

White HousePresident Obama –  1 202 456 1414

 B.O.P. – Director Charles Samuels –  1 202 307 3198  ext 3


Sign The Petition!

Je.Vois. posted this humorous and lighthearted piece on what it’s like to be Deaf. Here’s the link.

Meanwhile, Marsha Graham – who’s still recuperating from her broken shoulder – posted this on AnotherBoomerBlog.

HEARD posts map listing Deaf inmates by individual state and the Federal prison system. Here’s the link:

The term Rat takes on a whole new meaning thanks to prison privatization. Huffpo reports that a private prison company is on the hotseat – and it’s not CCA (for a change). Apparently, in a private prison in Mississippi, the inmates are selling rats as pets. The name of the company is Management & Training Corporation, based in Utah. This particular institution, the East Mississippi Correctional Facility, houses primarily mentally ill inmates, and is being sued by the ACLU. Here’s the link from Huffpo.

J-Lo gets production credit for new ABC Family series about juvenile delinquency and the foster-home system. The show is called The Fosters, and it premiers on Monday. Here’s the link to ABC Family’s page.

[scribd id=145306677 key=key-2c95wezieswan8vvfeai mode=scroll]

The above interactive embed was provided for us by Shanna Groves of Lipreading Mom. it was produced by

BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and a Pro/Am boxer. He has spent years working with diet and exercise to combat obesity and obesity related illness.


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