Felix’s Story Serialized Pt. 2


By Pat Bliss

BitcoDavid has been working hard on reformatting these sequences of Felix’s story into PDF files. I hope you enjoy this second installment in our combined effort.

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Be sure and check out Felix’s petition. We need your help, freeing this innocent Deaf man.


Pat Bliss is a retired paralegal in criminal law. She continues to do legal work for indigent prisoner cases showing innocence. She is a Certified Community Chaplain, Certified as a volunteer for CISM (Crises Intervention Stress Management) and involved in community events.


Comments (8)

  1. ptbliss

    This is great, David, thanks. Are we up to date with what you have and are you ready for the final chapters of the trial? Pat

  2. Pingback: A Brief List Regarding Felix Garcia’s Innocence | deafinprison

  3. Pingback: Part 3 in the Serialization of Felix’s Case | deafinprison

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  5. Pingback: Felix’s Petition for All to See | deafinprison

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