April at DeafInPrison.com


By BitcoDavid

[scribd id=138924950 key=key-2f9bnjhd5j5e2x77gezx mode=scroll]

BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and a Pro/Am boxer. He has spent years working with diet and exercise to combat obesity and obesity related illness.


Comments (19)

  1. Question – since I can’t access information on SCRIBD I assume others cannot. Also, is the data you keep there accessible to the blind? If not, assuming there are blind or deafblind followers that is a problem. It needs to be accessible. I’m not sure it is.

    • You can click on the embed, and it will take you to the file on SCRIBD. Although the files are private, anybody who’s on DeafInPrison.com can access them. As to the Blind thing, I’m afraid I wouldn’t even know where to begin. Captioning of video, I can do, but making text files accessible to the blind is something I have no clue about. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

      • Actually, a correction. At the bottom of the embed are 2 zoom controls allowing you to make it larger or smaller. Directly under the embed is a link to view it in full size on SCRIBD.

      • Ahh, you have come to the right person, Grasshopper. I used to do consultation for the Disability Policy Consortium in Boston regarding making web files accessible to the blind. DPC actually files lawsuits against sites that are impossible to navigate by the blind. 😀

        I clicked on the embed and got a “this file is private” page – I emailed you privately with a copy of the 405 page.

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  13. Pingback: *OUCH* My Poor Coach | BitcoDavid's BoxingBlog

  14. Pingback: Guilty! Of Maroonism in the First Degree! | deafinprison

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