Live Coverage of Bridgewater Event


By BitcoDavid

Keynote (presentation software)

Keynote (presentation software) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is an initial post. Video and in-depth coverage to follow. But, I wanted to get a chance to just give you a quick update – from the field. By eye, it looks to be a crowd of about 100 – 150 people. there are a few hearies, of which I think I’m the only non-signer. Most of the participants appear to be ASL only, speakers.

I sat and enjoyed my lunch, in complete silence, watching hands moving all around me. One rarely gets to experience being in the minority – even to the point of novelty – and the experience isn’t lost on me.

The program is being led by Dr. Aviva Twersky Glasner, who spoke first. Marsh Graham spoke, and mentioned in detail, both Felix, and the Lashonn White case, which we’ve also covered. She is the Deaf woman who was tased by police, and ended up spending 4 days in jail with no interpreter.HEARD and Solitary Watch

have also been mentioned.The Brookline MA police department sent out their team dedicated to working with special populations. All things being equal, Brookline police is doing a superior job of trying to advance the state of policing in regards to all special needs scenarios.

The Keynote, Dr. Brendan Monteiro, began his program, and will finish after lunch. readers will be apprised of the contents of all these presentations, over the next day or so.

I’m hoping to get one more of these field posts up before I leave.

BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and a Pro/Am boxer. He has spent years working with diet and exercise to combat obesity and obesity related illness.


Comments (25)

  1. HEARD

    Great! Thanks for the update! Where can we see the coverage? Live stream?

    • I can’t stream in this format, but I will be uploading video this afternoon, and tomorrow. PowerPoints will become available in a day or so, and any other data I can access, will be put up on the site.

      • Aviva Twersky Glasner

        David, this is Aviva Twersky Glasner and I am so impressed that you were live blogging! That’s so hard to do and you did it so effortlessly (seemingly). Thank you so much for attending and sharing with your readers. I learned a lot from everyone as well and promise you and your readers to address any issues or shortcomings they experienced. I know that running out of coffee was a problem as was the placement of the interpreters and with the event shuttle as well. Lessons learned for me and I will strive to do much better in the future. Thank you again.

        • Thank you Dr. Twersky Glasner for your kind comment. My head can barely fit through the door. I had a great time – coffee or no – and learned a lot.

  2. Pingback: 2nd Update | deafinprison

  3. Thanks for recording so much of the conference, David. I asked about a transcript via CART, but things sort of devolved at the end and I don’t think any request was made.

    I hope there are more symposiums and far more progress to be made during the coming year. I have made contact with a few influential people so keep your fingers crossed. 🙂

    • Yea, I got a lot of it, and Dr. Twersky Glasner will be sending me the PowerPoints. It will all be going up on here over the next couple of days.

      • Aviva Twersky Glasner

        This is Aviva Twersky Glasner and with regard to the CART transcript, I am working on it-I haven’t forgotten. As soon as I find out I will let David know and perhaps he could post it here.

  4. Pingback: Symposium on the Deaf and the Justice System – Part 1 | deafinprison

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  6. Pingback: Here’s the Conclusion of The Brookline PD’s Presentation | deafinprison

  7. Pingback: Marsha Graham’s Presentation at the Symposium | deafinprison

  8. Pingback: Marsha Graham’s Presentation Part 1 | deafinprison

  9. Pingback: Marsha Graham Part 2 | deafinprison

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