Nevada-CURE Documents Prisoner Abuses


NV-CURE for the past year has been gathering information on abuses within the Nevada prison system. These abuses include, but are not limited to, physical beating of prisoners in restraints by staff, denial of adequate medical care, retaliation for use of the grievance and judicial process, housing assignments made without regard to prison realities, long term cell confinements, staff disclosure of confidential information, staff verbal threats and intimidations of disfavored prisoners, denial of food as punishment and the denial of adequate jobs and programing activities. These abuses reflect a deliberate indifference and reckless disregard for the basic human rights of prisoners and the need for a complete reevaluation and reorganization of the Nevada prison system.

This site lists 28 individual, primary source document links, that clearly demonstrate abuse by both other inmates and corrections officers.

NV-CURE believes the problems and abuses associated with the prison system need to be brought to the attention of the public and our legislators for appropriate action.  To facilitate the enlightenment of the public on the problems and abuses associated with the prison system, NV-CURE has elected to publish the information gathered and is urging each and every person to read the information published and to contact your Legislators regarding your concerns.  DO NOT JUST BE APPALLED, TAKE ACTION.

For more info, click


