NAD Advocates for Deaf Youth in Foster Care

Length of stay in U.S. foster care

Length of stay in U.S. foster care. Picture credit: Wikipedia

In a recently published position paper, the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) has issued a position paper that targets the special care Deaf children require in foster care. According to the NAD paper, Deaf children require foster care that is both linguistically and culturally accessible, including appropriate medical, psychological, educational and mental health services. This position paper was intended to provide a road map for all professionals and agents who work within the foster care system to ensure the appropriate provision of referral and care services to Deaf children.

US Navy 070421-N-4124C-066 Sasebo-based Forwar...

US Navy 070421N Sailors hand out chocolate at the conclusion of a visit to the foster care facility, Koyoryo Children’s Home. Photo: Wikipedia

The NAD, a powerful advocacy organization by and for Deaf people has historically championed the rights of Deaf adults and youth. This recent position paper is evidence of their continued tradition of advocacy, social justice and equity. The NAD’s paper on Foster Care should be required reading for all social service, juvenile justice, early childhood, education, and parent agencies serving Deaf children and youth.

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Comments (4)

  1. it’s difficult enough to find a decent foster care home for children who can hear….these poor children have the added need for people who will take the time to work with their disability and take ownership of it themselves.

  2. Yes I agree. It is difficult. But we need standards of care. We have to start somewhere and identify exactly what deaf children need in terms of a foster care place with communication and cultural factors in place.

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