A Special Event Featuring H.E.A.R.D.


Image courtesy of H.E.A.R.D.

[This is reposted from H.E.A.R.D.’s page on FaceBook. –ed.]

On Friday, June 15th 6pm onward, Many Languages One Voice is hosting cross-teach-in with HEARD DC. HEARD DC works to ensure that the deaf are able to access the justice system, with a particular focus on deaf wrongful conviction. They’ll inform us of some laws that work to protect the deaf in DC, as well as share anecdotes from their community.

We’ll also share our knowledge of the DC Language Access Act, our struggles with government compliance and some anecdotes from our community. We’re hoping that this will demonstrate that equitable access to government systems is not an immigrant issue nor a differently-abled issue, but a social justice issue for all. Get ready to be inspired!

HEARD’s mission is to identify and remove barriers that prevent the deaf from participating in and having equal access to the justice system by enhancing the competence, capacity, and capability of justice professionals to manage language access and ability rights issues; and empowering the Deaf Community through education and advocacy.

Here’s the link:

