Contributors to this site, each have a picture known in the Blogosphere as a Gravatar. This icon follows them around on the Internet, and allows you to identify them in other posts and on other blog sites. If you find a contributor on this page, whom you enjoy reading, you may use their Gravatar to locate other writings of theirs.
Since these are photographs, I felt the need to cite them here.
Joanne Greenberg’s photo is courtesy of a book, “Whoops” by Hulton Getty, Giftbook from Hallmark. BOK2020-1501269137.
Pat Bliss’s photo is courtesy of
And BitcoDavid’s Gravatar is Jack – the Internet Rock Star. No citation is necessary, as I own the photo, and I own the dog. Or rather, he owns me.
Our logo consists of an overlay of myself doing the ASL sign for Deafness, behind prison bars from–I-TRIED-TO-CREATE–PSD24339.html